
Silenz mouse
Silenz mouse

"For this round," he said, "we were looking first to bring our Mac apps to the iPad. That tight schedule, he said, made Omni really think through "the core things we're trying to do with the app, without introducing a lot of clutter." We're looking to bring our iPhone apps also, but later." #Zinio reader for ipad mac# That's in addition to making use of the iPad's multitouch capabilities, which expand on those of the iPhone.

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"There were some things we wanted to put in but backed off of - and hope to put in later," Case said.

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"When we first started, we had a large library of multitouch things, like a four-finger swipe for use like a key modifier, to put in," Van Hecke explained. But the designers found those gestures sometimes meant more cognitive work for the user, who might have trouble remembering which gesture did what. "Even if it took two seconds or more to open an inspector and tap a button in it, this was more approachable to a new user than having to learn a new set of gestures," he said. That's true even though common iPhone gestures, such as double-tapping, pinching and others, are likely familiar to many users by now. "Drawing with fingers is well suited to a touch interface," Case said. Developers found it was easier to "touch" back and forth between two points on a screen than to mouse back and forth. That realization influenced how they thought of the mental "cost" of moving between areas on the iPad screen and how it would be different than the same movement on a desktop screen.

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Much of what the developers learned about how to create apps for the iPad came during the design process, which required many versions of their ideas.

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And it required them to build a mockup of the iPad, because they didn't have access to one at that time.

Silenz mouse